Monday, May 6, 2013

Types of Skin

Before any skin care regimen can be established, each of us has to first determine our skin type. Each individual has a specific skin type which would help in determining the everyday beauty regimen. Personally, I find this to be very important in maintaining naturally healthy skin. The different skin types are classified based on: moisture, oil and sensitivity. Here are the common skin types, which may apply to both men and women.

  • Oily Skin Type

This skin type is characterized by enlarged pores, shiny skin on certain portions of the face and blemishes. The upside of this skin type is it ages gracefully which means that there are less wrinkles and the skin is suppler. The downside is that it is prone to outbreaks since oil traps dirt quite easily so pimples and blemishes are the norm.

The reason for oily skin varies but a few factors such as stress, hormones, genetics and the environment play certain roles in having this skin type.

  • Dry Skin Type

This skin type is identified due to a flaky texture of skin. When looking closely enough the pores on a dry skin type is very small and there are certain red patches that may be attributed to the peeling of the skin. It will also be noticeable that the skin has more visible wrinkles and often feels tight after cleansing.
Aggravating factors for this skin type is attributed to hormones, environment, sun exposure, chemicals in certain cleansing and beautifying agents and medications.

  • Normal Skin Type

This skin type is the most ideal of all. A normal skin type is often observed to have fine pores, few blemishes and radiant. The oil production is low and the overall health of the skin is very good. Even with low maintenance, this skin type will often look good and with age will continue to look good when given proper care.

  • Combination Skin Type

The combination skin type has both dry and oily portions on the skin. The “T” zone is the common term used for the area that is oily. The area is from the forehead to the nose bridge to the nose and the chin. These are often high blemish areas due to the oil. The other portion of the skin on the other hand is usually dry. The areas that are dry include the cheeks and the eye area. The care for this area is often more complicated than that of the other skin types except for sensitive skin type.

  • Sensitive Skin Type

The sensitive skin type is the most high maintenance skin type. It is usually very dry and is easily irritated with chemicals in ordinary cleansers or beauty product. It is prone to signs of allergic reaction such as itchiness, redness, burning and inflammation. Looking for the care products for this type of skin may be difficult but several product lines have come out that is specifically for sensitive skin type.

Knowing your skin type gives you an edge in knowing how to take care of it. The right skin care can go a long way in getting that healthy and supple skin that glows from the inside out.